29th European Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EBCOG) 5-7 June 2025|| Frankfurt am Main, Germany

29th European Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EBCOG) 5-7 June 2025|| Frankfurt am Main, Germany



We are excited to announce that the abstract submission portal is now open on the EBCOG congress website! We strongly encourage everyone to please widely promote abstract submissions and take the initiative to bring abstracts to the congress – from your department, your university, your society, or even from yourself!

Abstract submitting authors will receive a special reduced registration fee and there is an extra discount for trainees and students. This is the best way to attend the congress for participants!

We will follow up with regular updates on the amount of submissions per country.

Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2025Please note that this deadline will not be postponed.


Submission platform: https://cpo-hanser.abstracts-online.de/EBCOG25/submission/en/home.html