EURAPAG 2024 (5-8/6/2024)

Dear Colleagues,​

On behalf of the organising committee, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to the vibrant city of Thessaloniki for the 16th European Conference in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. We are delighted to host this event, that will take place between the 5th and 8th of June 2024, bringing together, experts, researchers and trainees from around Europe!​

A wide range of topics will be covered in a rich 4 days scientific programme, featuring renowned speakers, who will share their expertise and latest advancements in the field of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology. From comprehensive lectures, and panel discussions, to interactive case studies, debates, video presentations and workshops, the conference will offer a diverse range of educational opportunities, that will meet the interest of all audiences and enable the exchange of best practices. Participants from multiple disciplines, such as gynaecology, paediatrics, paediatric endocrinology, psychology, plastic surgery and paediatric surgery- to mention a few- will be included. ​










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